I can't believe my sweet baby boy turned ONE on August 20th. The day was filled with fun. We went shopping for a birthday outfit with Grandma Tidwell and then headed to Cup Cake for a yummy cupcake. Doesn't it look delicious!!
The next day we had a b-day bash. Landon got lots of fun toys and books. I feel like our house is exploding at the seems with singing baby toys.
We don't have any pictures but Landon even got to announce that he is going to be a big brother!! Dan and I gave him a book called "Big Brother" to open in front of everyone. We are really excited for the new addition to our little family. Landon has enriched our lives more that I could have expected and I can't wait to see what baby joys baby #2 will bring.
And for my memory some of the things our boy is up to at ONE:
Weight: 21bls 2oz
Height: 29 3/4 in
Head Circumference: 46.4 cm
Words: mama, dada, nana, baba, bye bye, no, dankey (blankey), hello, Jack, Daisy, der (water)
Favorite Food: pears and strawberries
Teeth: 2 on the top and 2 more coming in
*He loves his Blankey! Every morning when I walk into his room he holds his blanket up high and says "dankey"! His blankey also triggers a thumb in the moth reflex that is too cute.
*He loves bath time, swimming and playing in puddles.
*He LOVES to sneak a swig of soda from grandma.
*He enjoys going bye bye.....but doesn't like when mama or dada leave him behind.
*He loves talking on the phone!! Just about anything that is rectangle is a pretend phone for him.
*He has a bit of a temper and when something isn't working they way wants it he chucks it across the room.
*He has recently learned to pucker his lips when he kisses and even says "muah"!
*He gets his feelings hurt pretty easy and when he does his bottom lip puckers out. Hate to say that it is super cute!
*He loves my parents dog Jack!! Love love loves him. Whenever he sees a puppy he says Jack. When we pull into Grandmas house he usually says Jack. He really likes to play chase with Jack and is getting pretty good a running.
*He can open the toilet lid and has figured our how to flush the toilet. This is really a problem because we don't have a door on our master bathroom. It's quite a pain.
*He is quite the ham. He loves to put on a good performance for some attention.
Landon is the greatest little boy we could have asked for. We love him more than words can say!!!