Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The FUN has begun! Every time I turn around today these boys are playing and getting into something TOGETHER. I love being their MOMMY!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

CADE stole the cookie from the cookie jar!

"Who ME?"

Yes you!

"Couldn't be!"

Then who?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Can a gentelman with a BROSTACHE join the party?

Landon is getting pretty savy with the itouch and figured this out on his own. Never a dull moment with this boy.!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My sweet baby Cade is 5 months old! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. Here are some things we know and love about CADE:

*He is really vocal and has an opinion about everything.
*He is always blowing spit bubbles or drooling.

*He LOVES his mama the most!
*He is super strong and has been army crawling for over a week. He is really fast and can crawl across a room in minutes.
*He loves water! He loves to bathe and swim in it and to drink it.
*He is a little stingey with his laughs but is overall a very happy boy!

*He is a big big boy wearing sizes 9-18months and size 3 diapers.
*He has been rolling from back to front for about 2 months and from front to back for about a month now.
*He loves his big brother! And I love to watch him admire Landon. I hope they become best friends.

Cade's 4 month stats
length: 25.63 - 63%
weight: 17lbs 10oz - 86%
head: 42cm - 33%

Isn't he CUTE? We sure love this little boy!!

I LOVE this boy!!

Landon fights me every time I try and put jell in his hair, but today he was quite excited after I bribed him with the "just like daddy" phrase. He was quite proud of his new hairdo. I was having a hard time getting him to say still for a picture so again I used a daddy bribe by saying "lets show dada your hair" and this is the pic I got.

So CUTE!! This boy loves his Dada!

He loves playing in his new car!

Monday, August 15, 2011

This is the Life!

Eating Pb & J poolside with the boys after a morning swim watching and listening to the monsoon storm rolling in. I love summer time!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hamburger vs Hot Dog

When I hold Cade in my arms I see a lot of resemblance to little baby Landon. It takes me back in time and I love it. However, when I compare these pictures of them at 5 weeks I can see how different some of their features are. One of those features being the shape their heads. Growing up my friend Tania and I would describe the shape of peoples heads as being either hamburgers (round) or hot dogs (long). I think Landon got my hamburger head and Cade got Dan's hot dog head. :)

Baby Cade

Baby Landon

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a WONDERFUL and BUSY Easter weekend!!

Friday we headed up to Mesa with the Hoefferles to see the Easter Pageant. It was fun for Landon to spend time on the temple grounds and play with his cousins. My favorite moments were when Landon would point to the stage and yell "Jesus" and when Tyler would say "the end" after every scene.

On Saturday we were able to attend the temple. I love the temple!! And I love the Hoefferles for watching our boys so Dan and I could feel of the spirit and peace of the temple.

On Sunday baby Cade was blessed. We are so blessed to have him in our family. We love our little buddy! Sacrament meeting was lovely. Full of beautiful music and talks reminding us of the perfect life and sacrifice our Savior Jesus Christ made for us and most importantly that lives. After sacrament meeting we headed up to Globe to spend time with the Tidwells. Aunt Cin put on a little easter egg hunt for Landon. He LOVED finding eggs full of his favorite thing....."nandy".

Although the weekend was super buys with about 8 hours of it spent in the car...I am grateful to have had a weekend centered around Christ and to have enjoyed the company of almost every member of our family. Hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter too!

This is Landon on Easter last year. I can't believe how much he has changed in one short year.

Landon enjoying some "nandy"!!

Sweet baby Cade!! Everyone loves his hair color. I'm curious to see if it will stay red.

I can't believe we are a family of 4. I love all of my boys!!