Friday, April 16, 2010

Swimming Lessons!!!

Exciting! Here is the schedule and pricing for my swimming lessons this summer. Each class will be a private 30 minute lesson, usually between 8 am and 12 pm. I am offering a $10 Sibling Discount for the sibling's full session.

My idea for the mom and baby classes is for a group to show up, preferably three moms and their weee-ones (but we can figure this out as we go), ages between 6 and 18 months.

I prefer teaching children ages 2-7 years old.

*CLICK ON THE IMAGES TO SEE A BIGGER VIEW - The legend is a separate image

The super week is to either take a break, or a good time to master some skills!

If you have any questions about the schedule or pricing, and to sign up, e-mail me at


Misty said...

where do you do swim lessons? WHere else have you taught swim?

Dan and Katie said...

I am teaching at my house. I taught at Sunshine Swim School and I swam competitively from 8yrs-old to the end of high school.